
Replace Multiple Teeth

Implant Crowns and Bridges

Implant crowns and bridges are becoming more common dental prosthesis as more patients are aware of their distinct advantages. A single missing tooth can be replaced with a dental implant and an attached crown, and multiple teeth can be restored with bridges attached to two implants on either side of the empty space. These options improve the appearance of your smile after tooth loss and help patients maintain functionality to smile, speak, and chew properly and comfortably.

If you have one or more missing teeth and you are looking for a permanent solution, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at Mississippi Prosthetic Dentistry. Restoring smiles is our passion, and we would feel honored to be a part of your journey to a complete, confident smile. Schedule your consultation today with Dr. Milner to replace missing teeth.

Implant Crowns and Bridges

How It Works

If you are missing one or multiple teeth due to an oral injury or periodontal disease, a dental crown attached to an implant is one of the most reliable ways to restore your smile. To replace a single tooth, an implant will be surgically placed, then given time to heal and “osseointegrate”. Once the implant bonds to your jaw bone and functions as an artificial tooth root, a custom crown is attached to the implant to give you an aesthetically-pleasing, fully-functional smile. Implant bridges consist of multiple crowns attached to two or more dental implants, effectively restoring any number of missing teeth.

Implant crowns and bridges
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